About Qi Gong
Qi Gong refers to a wide variety of traditional cultivation practices that involve methods of accumulating, circulating, and working with the energy (qi) within the body. Qi Gong is used for health maintenance and therapeutic intervention as its roots are in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qi refers to the life force that runs the body and Gong simply refers the practice.
Qi Gong with Angela Lee
I’ve come to this place in my life through many years of practicing and studying qi gong. This practice has helped me to discover that the human body is capable of many miraculous things.
Qi Gong taught me to heal myself and to feel the connection of my mind, body, and spirit, giving me a sense of inner peace. I continue to experience and see many people benefit from it. Practicing Qi Gong can teach you to heal yourself and perhaps heal others.
I became so intrigued with qi gong that I returned to school to get my acupuncture license. At school, I gained a better understanding of Traditional Chinese medicine and the healing powers of qi, which I now bring to my work as a qi gong instructor and acupuncturist.
I have been studying under the Great Grand Master Cai Qiu Bai since 1991, who is the student of Ah Shui from the Shaolin Temple in Southern Shanghai. To learn more about the origins of Qi Gong and my teaching lineage, click here.

More About Me and My Work

I am internationally recognized as a 5th level instructor in Shaolin One Finger Qi Gong (Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan) 少林气功内劲一指禅 乌鲁冷岳兴安会馆. I have taught classes at UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, and at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco. I have also provided private instruction.
I hope to share my knowledge of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and qi gong with you in hopes that you will be able to understand and help yourself. Please contact me if you have questions about acupuncture or qi gong.
I am available for speaking engagements on the benefits of Qi Gong and Acupuncture. You can contact me at angela@areturntohealth.com.